Friday, October 29, 2010

Next Week (November 5th)

Star Trek Weeks wraps up at last with DVD Parade Max Week 11, covering Star Trek 2009 and first word on Star Trek 12 (coming in either 2011 or 2012).

After that we have one more cast Week 12 and then DVD Parade Max Week 13 and our Harry Potter one hour special covering as much Harry Potter as we can into a one hour special... and given our track record with Star Trek we may have to have a Week 14 special cast put out right after to bring you up to date with the release of Deathly Hallows Part 1 in theaters! Stay tuned!

Also in the future we'll have Week 3 of The Idiot Box and Week 2 at last of Trailer World (with our first thoughts on 2012's coming movies like The Hobbit Part 1, Ghostbusters III, Star Trek 12 and more.

New Casts are up (and beginning of Halloween casts!)

New links are up for The Idiot Box (the two week Hawaii Five-O premiere casts) and DVD Parade (Week 10 being our Ghostbusters special for Halloween)! And don't forget to check our Special Casts link for Ghostbusters 2009 Special over here and on GameOnMaxBlog (part 2 of our Ghostbuster Halloween special!)