Friday, December 28, 2012

IDW30 Episode Zero now available

IDW30 Episode Zero now available. We kick things off by setting the groundwork for the reviews of the cast (reviews and commentaries all focusing on the releases of IDW Comics, presently focusing on Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Star Trek and soon Transformers for the first wave.

Episode One (coming soon) will start off with coverage of a batch of David Tennant era Doctor one shots, followed with Episode Two (start of 2013) reviewing Doctor Who Volume 3 #1-#2 (and also looking back at Doctor Who Volume 2 #1-#2).

Stay tuned for more as the series rolls along.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Podcast Updates December 23rd 2012

As the year ends I am launching up casts again for the new year. So far we got coming up...

OMGComics - Episode Zero is now up and available. Episode 1 coming December 30th.
IDW20 - IDW in 20 Minutes. Presently this is my next cast I am working on. Hope to have it out today or tomorrow.
Unnamed Manga Cast - Presently in development.
Equestria This Week - Hope to revive this cast before the end of the year.

Stay tuned for updates as they become available.

OMGComics Episode Zero finished... putting up shortly

Finally finished OMGComics Episode Zero (well it wasn't that hard, I just had to sit down, intro it and do a first review).

Working now on Episode 1 (because I realize I have stuff to review before I crack into the first shipment of new comics) so that should be out shortly.

In the meantime looking at...

A Doctor Who Review Cast?!?
I was thinking of throwing together a 10-minute a pop cast and then look for a more established Doctor Who podcast to promote it to... but I will probably be rejected so I'm tinkering with a launch episode now. Covering IDW's Doctor Who comics (since I am returning to that in OMGComics) in short 10 minute bites.

Equestria This Week
Hoping to get it back up shortly in this new hear me talking format... we'll see.

Hope to have it either weekly or bi-weekly (still pondering that) as we start 2013.

Well, stay tuned for more as I get this new stuff up and out.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Casts Are Coming (December 15th 2012)

Took awhile but slowly getting back on track. New casts coming starting this weekend.

Spill It
Converted it from a review to commentary cast. So this weekend we have quite abit coming out.
All of the following cover TV showings of the following movies unless otherwise noted (channel and movie listed). All should be out sometime this weekend.

Episode 5
The Polar Express (ABC Family)
Episode 6
Disney's A Christmas Carol (ABC Family)
Episode 7
Movie Trailer Spotlights (December to March 2012)
Episode 8
The 12 Disasters of Christmas (SYFY)
Episode 9
Double Feature : Year Without A Santa Clause and Santa Clause is Coming to Town (ABCFamily)
Episode 10
Double Feature : Twas the Night Before Christmas and Frosty's Winter Wonderland

Stay tuned as I begin rolling these all out.

Thrice of Life
Reviews and discussion of so called "slice of life" comedy drama anime/manga from Japan. So far I decided to start off with four series I have an affinity for for one reason or another... as well as a non Anime/Manga and one more that I am thinking of...

- Aria
- Azumanga Daioh
- Hidamari Sketch
- Ichigo Mashimaro (Strawberry Marshmallow)
- My Little Pony Frtiendship is Magic
- ? His and Her Circumstances / Kare Kano ?

Stay tuned for episode release info as I work on Episode 1 presently.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Podcast Updates December 6th

Finally getting back on track. Now that I am doing real audio in the casts here is what is coming up...

Spill It Episode 5
Now a commentary cast as December is filled with wall to wall movies on TV I'll be doing a bit of movie commentary. This episode? Watching the SyFy Channel? When Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan comes on again consider this commentary... please?

Watching The 12 Disasters of Christmas this weekend on the SyFy Channel? No?.... well I'm doing an episode commentary dedicated to that anyway... I don't know why. That should be out next week.

Equestria This Week Episode 33
ponyinabox has been putting out new stuff so I review it all here! The second part of Wrong Way Backwards, the first part of All Aboard, Herpy in the Dark and (knock on wood) Daring Do Adventures Episode 1... oh, and the newest episode of The Adventures of Doctor Whooves and Daring Do.

Next episode? Commentary begins on Season 3 starting with the Crystal Empire two parter!